Dept of Communications forum to explore digital future

The Rudd Government will host a major forum to explore Australia’s digital economy potential next month. The Realising Our Broadband Future forum will be held in Sydney on December 10 and 11.

The Minister for Broadband Communication and the Digital Economy, Stephen Conroy says the digital economy already offers exciting opportunities for all Australians.

“It is essential to our productivity and improved social well-being. The National Broadband Network will turbo-charge our digital economy and enable Australia to become a global leader, harnessing new applications to support economic growth and service delivery.”

The forum will highlight the opportunities and help the research community and commercial sectors plan for the digital applications, services and business models of the future.

Realising Our Broadband Future will be opened by the Prime Minister and include key industry participants as well as public interaction.

Keynote speakers include NBN Co CEO Mike Quigley and Jeff Cole, the Director of the Centre for the Digital Future at the University of Southern California.

Conference details can be found at the link below.