As the Victorian election looms this weekend, radio stations have all been lifting their coverage.
On the serious talk radio side, ABC Radio Melbourne’s Jon Faine has been hosting a series of election debates with policy leaders, which will be capped off today with a Leaders Debate with Premier Daniel Andrews and Opposition Leader Matthew Guy going head-to-head with their final pitches to the electorate between 8.30am-9am.
Over at 3AW’s Collins Street HQ, Neil Mitchell upset Attorney General Martin Pakula in a fiery exchange over numerous election issues. Pakula was the first Andrews government minister to agree to speak on 3AW Mornings since the campaign began.
Mitchell asked Pakula if he believed the public deserved to know Bourke St terrorist Shire Ali was on bail at the time of the attack.
“That is a matter for police to update the public on… I don’t talk about things that are said in cabinet sub-committee meetings,” said Pakula.
“Neil, absolutely not, I resent the implication and frankly that’s unworthy of you,” replied Pakula.
In another interview, the president of one of Victoria’s leading civil libertarian groups has decried the ALP’s latest attack ad, which links opposition leader Matthew Guy to series of federal government cuts.
Picking up the theme of attack ads, Victorian newcomer Christian O’Connell has crafted his own ‘attack ads,’ not about political rivals, but targeting his radio rivals.
Targeting Fox FM’s Fifi Box, one O’Connell ad says:
“Under a Melbourne-run Fox FM, you’ve had cuts to requests, cuts to real music and cuts to real artists… I’m not saying Fifi Box will break into your home and kill your pets, but I’m not saying she won’t.”
While another ad has a go at Sam Pang’s 7am start on the Nova 1000 breakfast show:
“Don’t early rising Melbournians deserve your comedy to? Nova is trying to rip the guts out out of the 6am hour. Not happy Pang!”
The two political parties should know who won by early next week.
The radio rivals will have to wait until after the next survey for their voter results.