Final Words from Swinburne students

Swinburne radio students are ending of their Crash FM broadcast today and will finish with a tribute to their lecturers.


With the Swinburne Commercial Radio Course closing down at the end of this year (see our earlier stories), the very last show on the station, called Final Words, will run the tribute to course director Jim Barbour and lecturer Pete Marcato tonight from 9pm to midnight.

The last show will still be music based but the students have something very special planned.

Sam Blacker has told radioinfo: “Past and present students have recorded personal thankyou messages to Jim and Pete and we intend to air them all in the very last show tonight.

“We want to make this a last gesture and sign of how much Jim and Pete mean to so many people in the radio industry.”

Among the people who have sent audio are Chris Holland from Southern Cross, Matt Redmond from Snow FM, Lauren Saylor from Smooth FM, Aaron Chilcott from ARN, Kate Yencken and Madison Lewis from MCM

Matt Redmond. 

Listen to the last day of Crash FM live here

Students will accept more ‘thankyou’ recordings until 6pm tonight , They are asking people to say their name, how the course has influenced them, and a personal message to Jim and Pete. Audio can be sent to [email protected].