Fitzy & Wippa teach Ellen how to talk Strayan

Watch them serenade and woo her onto their Nova 969 Breakfast show

Desperate to get Ellen on their show (isn’t everyone?) Fitzy & Wippa have recruited Sydney brothers Dailius and Julian Wilson who won a trip to LA to meet Ellen earlier in the year.

With the brothers, who appeared live on her show to explain Aussie slang, now on a first name basis with the U.S. superstar, F&W thought it would be a good idea to include them in the video singing a song to the tune of Outkast – Hey Ya that explains a lot more Australian words.

The song has been written to involve Ellen… if she’s up for it.

If the boys are going to get her on their show, they are going to have to beat out other stations vying for her very limited time such as ROCCY FM in Young who also wrote a song.″640″ height=”360″ data=”″ type=”application/x-shockwave-flash”>