Friends of the ABC seeks new ABC Board member

Ex-Liberal Party state president, Michael Kroger’s term on the ABC Board expires on 4th February this year and former Liberals Peter Reith and Tony Staley have both been mentioned as possible replacements for him on the Board.

But the Friends of the ABC don’t believe either person would be appropriate and have mounted a cheeky media stunt to highlight the issue.

Friends of the ABC has “taken the initiative” to seek its own “suitable appointment” for the ABC Board.

Friends of the ABC (Vic) spokesperson, Terry Laidler told radioinfo: “We have placed an advertisement in the national daily newspaper, The Australian to give the Government the greatest breadth of talent from around the nation to choose from. Friends of the ABC’s advertisement encourages people with suitable skills and a commitment to independent and comprehensive public broadcasting to apply to the Prime Minister for the well-paid job.”

The Government’s track record on appointments is not good according to Laidler. “Other than the staff representative, there is not one Board member with public broadcasting experience, and most are perceived to be politically aligned to the Government,” he says.

”The community is entitled to have the best appointments made to its most important cultural and information institution. If our advertisement forces the Government to consider a wider field of candidates, perhaps a suitable appointment will be made.”

Friends of the ABC is seeking an appointment system which is transparent and results in the appointment of people with commitment and skills relevant to the governance of an independent public broadcaster.

The national broadcaster needs a Board that will never again “go kamikaze” in the appointment of a managing director, and one that will fight hard for the ABC in negotiations for its next round of three-year funding, according to Laidler.

The text of the advertisement, which was placed in The Australian this week, reads:

Board Member

Friends of the ABC (Victoria) invites people with the commitment and skills necessary to further the interests of independent, comprehensive national public broadcasting to apply for the position of Board Member of the ABC that becomes vacant in February this year. The Board meets monthly in various locations, and remuneration of $23,300 per year is provided in addition to travel and accommodation. The maximum and usual term of appointment is 5 years.

Board members’ duties include ensuring that:

* The ABC performs efficiently to the maximum benefit of the people of Australia

* The ABC’s independence is protected

* Its news and information is accurate and impartial

* The ABC fulfils its legal and legislative obligations.

Applications should address these selection criteria:

* Demonstrated experience in broadcasting, communications or management

* Expertise in financial or technical matters

* Cultural or other interests relevant to the provision of broadcasting services

Send applications to the Prime Minister:

The Hon J Howard MP, Parliament House, Canberra 2600. [email protected]

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FABC (Vic) Inc. GPO Box 4065MM, Melbourne 300’. Ph (03) 9682 0073