Hot 100 team a week into Ocsober

Darwin Hot 100 FM breakfast announcer Courtenay ‘Courts’ Davies is a week into her month long Ocsober challenge to help raise money for Life Education Australia.

Ocsober is one of many annual charity events where participants are asked to give up or do something for a month to help raise money. Similar events include Choctober for Reclink and Movember for Men’s Health.

Courts accepted the challege when her breakfast co-host Tom made the comment that she would be able to do it. She is joined by a team of nine other listeners who signed up with Courts before the month began. Together, they are hoping to raise a total of $2000 under the name Team Courts-Sober.

So far, the team has raised $660 towards their goal. For more information or to donate to Team Courts-Sober click here.