How much is your postcode worth?

Nova begins its $200,000 Postcode Payday, in both Sydney and Melbourne, from next Monday.


Nova 969’s Fitzy & Wippa and Nova 100’s Hughesy & Kate will kick off the competition with $200,000 up for grabs in both markets.

At 7.30am a postcode will be randomly chosen to give a listener, who lives in that postcode, the chance to answer three multiple choice questions for $10,000. If they can’t answer all three questions correctly, a second caller will have the chance to win the cash. Should the second listener be unsuccessful, the money will jackpot. If the cash reaches $50,000, Hughesy & Kate and Fitzy & Wippa will stay on air after 9am until a listener wins the money.

Paul Jackson, dmg Radio Australia’s Group Program Director says: “Postcode Payday is the perfect way to end the year, the four digits of your postcode could be putting a five digit sum in your bank account.”

Nova’s $200,000 Postcode Payday will be supported by an outdoor marketing campaign featuring local breakfast hosts Fitzy & Wippa in Sydney and Hughesy & Kate in Melbourne.

Postcode Payday is the latest in Nova’s listener led strategy of fun and engaging competitions, following on from Nova’s national competition First Class & 50K, Nova 969’s $250,000 Champagne Showers and “Live With Fitzy & Wippa” and Nova 100’s $150,000 Cash or the Car.

