Innovative PAD will grow Australian digital radio, not new services: Warner

In her recent speech to the Broadcast Asia conference in Singapore, CRA Chief Executive, Joan Warner, said the radio landscape is different in Australia from many other countries and urged the development of digital radio through value added enhancements rather than new services.

Warner says Australia is already better served than most countries with a variety of radio formats. She says:

“As you may have noted from my earlier comments in the analog space Australians already have as many (or more) stations and greater diversity and choice than many other countries even with their combined analogue and digital offerings.

Whilst we are aware that more choice of audio channels
is what is driving digital radio take up
in some jurisdictions
there will be different drivers
for take up of digital in Australia.

We believe the drivers in Australia
will be new and innovative
program associated content
available across a range
of radio devices – including mobile devices –
adding a new element to Australia’s
already diverse radio offerings…”

For her full speech click below.