The interview from Hobart heard around the Nation

Comment from Peter Saxon

They might not be in one of the larger metro markets with the big marketing budgets behind them, but Heart 107.3’s Hobart breakfast duo Kim and Dave certainly punch above their weight.

It helps, of course, that Tassie is possessed of a rich vein of characters who were either born in it’s unique and not yet spoilt environment, or have come to call it home to breathe clean air and drink pure water – or drink libations made from pure water. 

Last month, when Doc Neeson passed away, Kim and Dave landed the definitive interview with The Angels founders, the Brewster brothers, from which they built an amazing radio special.

But that was merely an entree, an amuse-bouche if you will, compared to yesterday’s interview which dominated the national entertainment news cycle. By asking the tough questions of their studio guest, newly anointed Tasmanian Senator Jaqui Lambie, (left) Kim and Dave were able to elicit the type of candid responses that would make Sir Michael Parkinson or Mike Willesee proud.

It was Kim who opened the interrogation by going straight for the Senator’s groin with a probing question about her shaving habits around her nether regions. Unlike more seasoned political hacks, Ms Lambie didn’t beat around the bush, “Right now, the state I’m in, you’d want to bring out that whipper snipper first. It’s a very scary area to talk about this morning,” she answered.

Then as a result of Kim and Dave’s relentless questioning, we find that Ms Lambie has been a single mum for the past 11 years and could be open to a romantic affair to occasionally find respite from the affairs of state.

However, with her newly elevated social stature, the good Senator has set some fairly lofty standards for any prospective suitor, ”They must have heaps of cash and they’ve got to have a package between their legs,” she told Heart’s Hobart listeners. “They don’t even need to speak.”

Through the power of radio, proving once again the adage that ‘it pays to advertise’ it wasn’t long before a young 22 year old would-be Romeo, Jamie, called in to the station to to proffer his credentials. He assured the 43 year old Senator that he was indeed, “hung like a donkey” and that he had “inherited a small fortune.”

Whether anything comes of this match made in Tassie remains to be seen. As is the effect that her plain speaking manner will have on her chances of re-election.

But for the next six years, at least, while Jaqui Lambie remains the PUP Senator representing the great state of Tasmania in the parliament of the Commonwealth of Australia, she will also be a gift that keeps on giving for Heart 107.3’s breakfast duo Kim and Dave and all the other radio shows in the Apple isle that will clamour for her time.


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