Today is UNESCO’s World Radio Day.
World Radio Day was proclaimed Feburary 13 in 2011 by UNESCO. On the same date in 1946, the United Nations radio was proposed by UNESCO’s Director-General to help provide an international news and information service on a free platform.
Objectives of the day are to raise greater awareness among the public and the media of the importance of radio, to encourage decision makers to establish and provide access to information through radio, and to enhance networking and international cooperation among broadcasters.
Last year on World Radio Day:
- In his act of international friendship, Indian broadcaster Sivraj Chinnamari sent radioinfo a picture of himself at the famed Hindu temple of Angkor Wat in Cambodia – with a radio.
- Our own National Film and Sound Archive of Australia (NFSA) celebrated with the publication of online profiles, including audio from old radio broadcasts, of two of Australia’s female radio pioneers Lynn Foster and Dorothy Crawford.
- In England, A 24 hour pop-up station celebrated the work of the Children’s Radio Foundation with a host of musicians, radio presenters and artists coming together at the Institute of Contemporary Art in London to appear on the station.
- Melbourne station JOY 94.9’s Wednesday Drive Show, The Royal Daltons, went to air with BBC London 94.9 to acknowledge and celebrate World Radio Day. JOY’s presenters are Michael & Glen Dalton and the BBC presenters are Penny Smith and Paul Ross. Both stations linked up live presenters live on both stations at the same time.
This year, UNESCO is focusing on promoting gender equality, with the help of radio as it remains the medium that reaches the widest audience worldwide. UNESCO is encouraging any station participating to conduct activites that promote gender equality and empower women.
If you are conducting an event for this years World Radio Day, send us the details and we will cover it here on radioinfo!
The NFSA has posted some 1940s women's sessions too