Jailbroken! Three stories: Once were locked but now are free

Here’s three articles you may have missed because they were locked. We’ve now unlocked them for your reading pleasure.

Fifi, Dave and Dave Cameron on why Breakfast’s not Drive

FOX breakfast duo Fifi and Dave are joined by Today Network Content Director Dave Cameron for this chat with Peter Saxon about the two different philosophies between Breakfast and Drive. In Breakfast there’s a ‘bring me in’ philosophy and in Drive there’s a ‘take me away’ philosophy. 


Q: How much influence does Ray Hadley really have?

A: Enough to get himself on a “most influential” list.

Much to Ray’s horror, his name was omitted from a list of the supposed “40 most influential men in radio” compiled by an internet blog.

Displeased by this blatant snub, Ray used his top rating 2GB morning show to berate the author, who was himself an influential radio identity many years ago.



Radio’s share of ad campaigns should be at least 20% for maximum ROI

Mark Barber, Planning Director at the UK’s Radio Advertising Bureau, told CRA Conference delegates last week that the return on investment for radio advertising is about seven to one.

In a talk titled Radio: the ROI multiplier, Barber detailed research that shows that radio’s ROI is a very close second to tv ROI in the UK and significantly ahead of print, on-line and outdoor, reports Kim Becherand for radioinfo.

