Julia Gillard calls Kyle and Jackie O first

Forget talk radio, it was Kyle and Jackie that Julia wanted to talk after the leadership spill.

Prime Minister Gillard spoke on their show this morning in her only interview after yesterday settling the Labor leadership matter.

Kyle: Congratulations about yesterday… you were very inspiring, you were slick, powerful and the winner at the end of it, I thought it was an incredible and a brilliant move.

Gillard: Thankyou very much we did have a big day in politics yesterday, but on with it all today getting on with the business of governing, and honouring promises like the Easter Egg hunt…

The egg hunt reference is because Kyle and Jackie O are running an Easter Egg hunt at Kirribilli House on Sunday with Kyle dressed up as the Easter Bunny.


Injecting politics with humanity Jackie quizzed the PM on the main issue and her personal response to it.

Jackie O: Did it surprise you when Kevin Rudd didn’t stand in the leadership spill?

Julia Gillard: I was a bit surprised given all of the build up, that Kevin didn’t stand, but having chosen not to stand that does underline that this is all definitely over.

Jackie O: How stable is the Labor party now?

Julia Gillard: People can be reassured that all of this is done and dusted now, we’ll be getting on with the future of the country.

Jackie O: Kevin, no more, that’s it?

Julia Gillard: Correct.   He’ll be serving in his capacity as a local member and he’ll be doing all of those things as a backbencher but all of these internal issues are over and done with.

Jackie O: You come across as a very strong woman and there’s no doubt about this, but do you have a little cry ever now and then… who wouldn’t?

Julia Gillard: I did get a bit teary yesterday but it was when I was being hugged and mobbed by people who had received the apology for forced adoptions… it’s that sort of thing that makes me emotional and teary…

Jackie O: Is it difficult where a lot of the time you just don’t know who you can trust, a lot of people stabbing you in the back?

Julia Gillard: It is a tough job but it’s got such amazing rewards, you get to look at our nation and think about its future and see the problems and say ‘I can fix that’, then design the policies, implement them and see it being fixed.  That privilege of leadership outweighs everything else.

Kyle: I loved the big pimp walk at the end, where all the guys were in black suits and you were pimpin up the front in the white suit… it’s on the front of the telegraph this morning, it looks brilliant.  I’m glad all the infighting is finished because it must have been hard to run the country while all that was going on.

Jackie O: Well has it finished though?

Julia Gillard: It was definitely finished yesterday. It’s over and we’re moving on, and getting on with the big policies between now and budget an done I’ve been working on for years, is our new funding for schools.

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