Kyle a headache for Big Brother

Kyle Sandilands has left the Big Brother house early after suffering a migrane and arguing with Big Brother. 2Day was planning to broadcast the breakfast show from the Gold Coast this morning.

Kyle entered the Gold Coast compound as a surprise intruder in the Network Ten reality tv show and had planned to spend the weekend in the house then do an OB for Monday’s breakfast show.

Before he left, Kyle proved to be a headache for Big Brother in the diary room. He accused Big Brother of not giving him the proper star treatment he deserved and refused to remove his hat. The altercation peaked with a 15-minute stand off when Kyle kept his hat on for ‘religious reasons’ and Big Brother refused to speak until he did so.

“I’m not one of your peasants in here, I want to be answered when I ask a question… we either play this game together or I start pissing you off as much as I’m pissing them off,” Kyle told Big Brother on Day 85 of the current series.

He left the house after suffering ‘a migrane’ overnight.

Click the link below to see Kyle’s altercation with Big Brother.