Lee Abrams, true media explorer, talks exclusively to Dave Charles

Lee Abrams in a true media explorer.  He talks exclusively to Dave Charles of MRi-Media RESULTS Inc.

Lee Abrams after all of his radio, music and print triumphs is still creating original content for the masses.

His latest is News Movie which can only be described as a true paradigm shift to the way we consume the daily TV news of the day.

Lee, give us a bullet point summary of your great media achievements so far and don’t be shy?

Created the Album Rock Concept while in high school.  After PD gigs in Miami and Detroit, I joined with Kent Burkhart to form a wildly successful consultancy/format design. 1000+ stations later was managing director at ABC Networks.

I was the first employee at XM ,  chief innovation officer at Tribune,  and worked with Rolling Stone, Swatch Watch, MTV,  NBC News.

Had a record label, worked with many artists like yes, Alan Parsons and Robert Palmer.


For the last two years you’ve been working on the way we consume and experience the TV news of the day with something called ‘News Movie’.  Give us the inside concept please.

This three minute teaser will give you an idea of the paradigm shift News Movie will be.

It’s a dramatic re-imagination of video news. I mean total. High IQ/low BS.  A movie of the world at the moment. The most exciting idea I’ve ever worked.   Extreme creative meets extreme journalism.  A tour de force for the eyes, ears and minds.  Redefining information as we now know it.  


You influenced your media thinking over the many years as a significant media consultant and strategist. What was the most gratifying and why?

That would be the album Rock Format which really was soundtrack to the new mainstream back then.  XM was a monumental experience on so many levels and Z ROCK, while only a modest success it was pretty amazing sound and a departure from anything normal.

All three of these broke new ground with completely new-at-the-time thinking.  Thick skin is needed for things that rattle tradition. 


What many people don’t know is your music consulting work Lee.  Who are some of the artists that you’ve collaborated with in the past and today?

I’m currently working with Alan Parsons on a pretty mind blowing immersive experience.   Over the years—yes, Moody Blues, Eric Johnson, Dave Mason among many others. 


Living in America today, what is your take on the political divide that exists.  What would Lee Abrams do to fix that divide?

It happened before.  But now with the ultra saturation of electronic and social media that fuels the divide, its magnified and in our faces on a whole new level.  That saturation is creating a generally unstable society.  Media can be a tool

Of correction too. Though I’m not seeing a bit of thinking along those lines at big media

News movie is part of a transformational change in media.   It’s reinvention time to connect noticeable and enlightening new life to old vulnerable products (video news,  FM radio etc.,.)


What would be the top five music tracks on Lee Abrams playlist?

My tastes are way out there, but if I had to name only 5.  And I would use albums

  • The Yes Album
  • Physical Graffiti
  • Giant Steps
  • The Who Sell Out
  • Pier At The Gates Of Dawn


Radio is struggling in the new media world.  What would be your advice to those owning radio properties today?

If a station is making money, good. If not, here’s an overview of the situation:

And consider that the future of radio will likely not happen on FM or AM.

FM has the circulation but enough imagination to prevail in the new era?  Not so sure. 

Some tough choices.


What advice would you give aspiring people looking to radio, new media and content creation and careers in 2022?  If Lee Abrams were to start his media career today, where would you focus?

For me, everything had worked great so no changes. 

If I chose another course, likely in music or an unexplored region of media. For a young person, live the street, understand where the mainstream is at and see where that intersects with your passion and create something remarkable where your passion and audience readiness meet—be there.


In your view, will we ever experience another music renaissance such as Elvis, the Beatles?

Information is the new rock n roll.  

Information more than music is what’s bending and evolving culture.

A smart device, not a Walkman takes in the world 24/7.  The electricity is in information. 

But there’ll be other revolutions but don’t expect a new pop star. It’ll be something we have never imagined.  Maybe something that bends the definition of popular music perhaps using not yet invented technologies

And, timeless heritage artists will continue in popularity. 


Pictured Alan Parsons and Lee Abrams

About the Author

Dave Charles, President Media RESULTS Inc.

Mobile: +1 289 242 8313.

Email: [email protected]




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