Mandate local content: Barnaby Joyce at National Party conference

At a conference held this weekend in Brisbane, the Queensland National Party has called on the Federal Government to mandate local radio content in any cross-media mergers. This continues the pressure from backbenchers on Senator Coonan’s media reform agenda.

An urgency resolution was passed at the state conference, where outspoken
National Party senator Barnaby Joyce told delegates that protection mechanisms need to be in place, particularly for regional media.

At the conference Joyce told delegates: “The media is …always under attack from people who are trying to centralise and take away that diversity of views…you’ve always got to be vigilant to protect that because protecting the media, protecting the fourth estate protects our democracy.”

The government needs Senator Joyce’s vote when the legislation moves into the Senate, so he is in a positon of influence on this as he has been on other recent legislation. He did not rule out crossing the floor when the legislation comes before parliament.

After the conference Senator Joyce told reporters: “On any piece of legislation, especially a major piece of legislation, I reserve my right to be a senator for my state, a senator for my nation, and to implement the legislation as it is required. Part of that process must allow me, on issues if required, to cross the floor.”