Martin Molloy not on speaking terms

In their hey day Tony Martin and Mick Molloy were inseparable and it would have been hard back then to imagine the two stars not working together.

According to a report by Adelaide Confidential, details of their bitter split over a movie project emerged yesterday, with Martin claiming he was cut out of the DVD release of Molloy’s hit flick, Boytown.

Martin has told Confidential he was hugely disappointed his 90-minute “mockumentary” was dropped.

“I do think that it’s probably one of the two or three best things I’ve ever done in any medium.”

“When I was editing, a lot of actors who were in it and a lot of other people saw it, and I’ve never had so many people tell me, ‘This is the best thing you’ve ever done’, so it is hugely disappointing.”

Martin was hired by Molloy’s production company and had a small role in the film in which he did an improvised piece. Molloy’s brother says that when DVD was released in February the improvised work was dropped because the team had run out of post production time and money

But Martin said he offered to pay the estimated $5000 post-production bill himself.

“If it was a choice between the work just being put into a vault and never seen or paying $5000, I was quite happy to pay $5000, given it was four months full-time work went into it,”

Martin has not spoken to Molloy since he was told the film would not appear on the DVD. Some of those who have seen Martin’s film suggested it may have been chopped for being “too funny,” potentially overshadowing the feature itself.