Marto wins bet with NZ PM

The footy finals weekend is done and dusted, and while Geelong and Manly came out on top, the other big winners is Brisbane Triple M’s The Grill Team who beat New Zealand’s Prime Minister.  

The Grill Team’s Marto scored the epic win over PM, John Key, by betting him that Manly would win the NRL Grand Final when he was in NZ commentating the Rugby World Cup with Fox Sports. 

Of course, what else could the Kiwi PM do but back his home team, the New Zealand Warriors? They lost and now he’s going to wear Triple M gear at an appropriate time …. he mentioned that might actually be in bed with the missus.

But self-proclaimed Briwi (Brisbane Kiwi) Marto has different ideas saying, “His punishment for the Warriors losing is to become the latest member of the Triple M fan club and wear one of our awesome tees at some prestigious conference for the whole world to see.”

Marto plans to deliver the Triple M Grill Team gear to the PM on Friday in Wellington when’ he’s back in NZ for another Rugby game.