Mix 94.5 and Lotterywest announce My City partnership

Mix 94.5 and Lotterywest will bring a new segment to the airwaves in 2012 to put the people of Perth in touch with what’s happening around town and in their local communities.


The My City segment is a proud new partnership between Mix 94.5 and Lotterywest that will give a voice to local events and highlight the best in entertainment, festivals, exhibitions and pop culture events.


Mix 94.5 general manager Linda Wayman has told radioionfo, the aim is to provide local, Perth-focused content, which is an important role for Perth’s number one station.

“Mix reaches well over 400,000 people a week,” she said. “So it’s important we let our community know what’s going on in our vibrant city.” 


Lotterywest CEO Jan Stewart sees a great opportunity in the new partnership with Mix 94.5. 

“This partnership will help to promote arts and cultural groups in Western Australia which are supported with funds raised by Lotterywest. It will let people know about the important projects and community events which are taking place in Perth through this popular channel, Mix 94.5. We hope it will encourage people to come along and experience the events which they will hear about through this program.” 


In an exciting homecoming, Mix 94.5 brings Paula Silbert,  WA’s best-known arts enthusiast,  back behind the microphone. The consultant/ curator/adviser/author previously spent a decade hosting a weekly arts segment on Mix 94.5.


Mix 94.5 remains the only commercial radio station in Perth with a dedicated voice for arts, entertainment and community groups  that otherwise wouldn’t be able to tap into the wider community.


Silbert says she will bring her passion for arts and the Perth cultural scene to My City, which will air on Saturday and Sunday mornings.


“WA is bursting with amazing entertainment and art – everyday there’s literally hundreds of enjoyable, affordable, accessible things to do. Yet again, Mix94.5 and Lotterywest are leaders – supporting and endorsing a billboard of great events and cultural achievements in our community. I couldn’t be more excited and proud!” 


My City will hit the airwaves for the first time on Saturday, 14 January 2012, and promises to bring listeners fresh content each week.


Information on events mentioned in the segment will also be available on the My City page at mix.com.au.