More delay in introducing PPM’s

The radio industry is to delay for two years the tendering for its $4 million annual ratings contract to allow research companies more time to develop electronic measurement devices such as portable people meters.

Paul McIntyre reports in today’s Sydney Morning Herald that the decision is expected to be made at the December board meeting of Commercial Radio Australia.

It comes as findings from a new pilot study in the US, reported here on radioinfo in October, show major differences in radio listening habits compared to the manual diary system used by most markets around the world including Australia.

In its Portable People Meter report Arbitron said: ‘The average person writes down about 2.2 stations in their diary. PPM is capturing about four stations.’

CRA’s chief executive, Joan Warner says the industry is not ready to move yet. “They can keep doing all the tests they like but until we see some valid explanation which addresses the major concerns we have, we’re not moving to electronic measurement.”

“We’re not convinced people are carrying these devices every time they listen to radio. We have never ever seen over a period of time the compliance issues being met. These are non-trials.”

DMG chief executive Paul Thompson says his major concern is the ability of electronic devices to capture early morning listening because of the reliance on the individuals to switch on and carry a device as soon as they got up.

Warner believes the best solution so far had been raised by research firm Ipsos, which had proposed a “hybrid system” using both diaries and electronic meters.

Nielsen Media Research has one year left on its three-year contract.