NAB Show 2023 opens in Las Vegas

The 2023 NABShow opened an invitation only Small and Medium Market Forum on Saturday.

Space for the event was at a premium due to the demand for seats at last year’s event, and this year numbers once again exceeded expectations.

Over 350 participants took place in the afternoon long session of round table events covering Recruiting, Digital Promotions, Avoiding the Pitfalls with Digital Advertising, Sales Team Structures and Bonusing, Increasing Community Standing, Generating Event and Non-traditional Revenue, Operational Cost Savers, Growing Direct Revenue and Practical Applications for ChatGPT.

Tables rotated every 30 minutes.

Not surprisingly there was a lot of interest in GhatGPT and its applications for radio, from writing spec pieces to providing background for sporting broadcasting.

Jon Accarrino from the Capitol Broadcasting Company outlined a number of ways his company is using AI as a tool, including, generating contest ideas, games and jokes, writing blogs for station websites, writing copy, intro’s for podcasts from the transcript, writing background for sporting broadcasts, quickly extracting information from published articles into brief notes for presenters.

He suggests, however, that AI is not suited for News. One of AI’s downfalls is that it is prone to making up facts, dates and names, so everything that is generated still has to be checked.

AI still has a use for News departments as it is ideal for writing Twitter and Social Media feeds from news broadcasts.

Accarrino also cautioned that platforms like ChatGFT need continual monitoring and the content needs polishing at times to make it more palatable for listeners.

Other AI websites of interest

Nichesss is another AI Writer

Riffusion and AI that visualises and plays music from text prompts.