Naked man jumps from plane for FM104.7 tickets

What would you do for a golden ticket to a show? An FM104.7 listener today jumped naked from a plane today to win FM104.7’s ‘What Would You Do’ competition.

In the crisp Canberra morning, Matt Lambert told breakfast presenters Scotty and Nige: “The adrenalin’s still going… It wasn’t as cold as I was thinking. The coldest part was when they opened the door.”

Lambert’s suggestion of how far he would go was one of hundreds of entries contributed during the competition. Scotty and Nige decided that anyone who is prepared to fall from 8,000 feet totally naked they deserve the tickets.

After successfully completing the jump he wins VIP tickets and backstage access to Canberra’s Foreshore Music Festival in November.

The landing was a little bumpy by the look of the pictures.

