Neil Mitchell celebrates 30 years at 3AW

After collecting his 20th gong at last week’s ACRAs, Neil Mitchell today celebrates another big number with 30 years on air at 3AW.

Mitchell’s media career has encompassed print journalism as well as broadcasting, with 16 years at The Age as a columnist and news executive, and was appointed editor at The Herald. With its 14.8 share, 3AW wins every timeslot, and is the most listened to in Melbourne. ​

As reported by radioinfo in September, when his contract was set to expire, Mitchell considered going part-time, but conceded that it was unlikely. 

Mitchell’s 3 1/2 hour shifts at the AM radio talkback institution kick off each weekday morning with a 4am alarm and 5am arrival at the studio, and the broadcaster has claimed 175 career No 1s since he started in mornings in the early 1990s.

This morning on air, while discussing some of the high-impact news events Mitchell has covered in his time, a caller asked ‘what are the most significant events that got you?’ 

‘Mostly bad news stuff. We got more calls on Diana than any other issues I’ve covered,‘ Mitchell said. 

In no particular order, Mitchell cited the following events as the most significant of his career:

September 11, 200
The Bali bombing of 2002
Prime Ministerial “musical chairs”
Bourke street
Walsh street
The death of Princess Diana

Listen to the first minute of Neil’s first show below.

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