96five Family FM breakfast show hosts Liam, Robbie and Ness will travel back in time to the 90s this morning after being dared to have their hair permed for the Cerebral Palsy League’s ‘FebruDAREy’ Campaign.
Adam Fortune, from Earth, Hair and Body, in St Lucia contacted the show to dare them to get a new look to raise awareness and funds for Australians with cerebral palsy and other diseases. He said: “I’m thinking a really tight curl, kind of like Lionel Richie.”
There was no hesitation on Liam’s behalf, saying: “It’s been 20 years since my last perm in 1993.”
Ness said: “When people say perms I think of my mum in the 80s. It looked like she had a poodle perm, like a helmet of curls.”
The Cerebral Palsy League is turning the whole month of February into a dare-fest to raise vital funds and FebruDAREy will see hundreds of Australians face their biggest fears.
Listeners were invited to call the station and vote on who should take up the challenge and the overwhelming response was ‘all for one and one for all’.
Become a challenger or dare a friend, family member or work colleague to support FebruDAREy by registering here.