Opie & Anthony promo stunt earns WNEW a $357,000 fine

The pair of New York breakfast broadcasters who were sacked after encouraging their listeners to have sex in a church (see earlier story) have earned their former station a large fine from Broadcast Regulator, the FCC.

The FCC imposed a “statutory maximum” fine of $357,000 on WNEW and owners the Infinity network, because of the “egregious nature of the material, the involvement of many Infinity employees and managers in planning the marketing event and Infinity’s recent history of the airing of indecent or apparently indecent broadcasts, including The Opie & Anthony Show, over station WNEW/New York.”

The history that the FCC is referring to includes broadcasts that go as far back as November 2000. The FCC received 500 complaints about the “Sex for Sam” promotion.

Commissioner Michael Copps said the broadcast was “outrageous” and also imposed a fine on Clear Channel’s Elliot in the Morning show in Washington, saying: “both were run by stations whose owners knew better and whose companies have had previous indecent broadcasts brought before this commission.”