Palmer covers ABBA on 7HOFM

Clive Palmer is all about the ‘Money, Money, Money’ and while in Hobart today the billionaire reworked his own version of the famous Abba hit on-air with 7HOFM. 


In an interview with Mick and Jane – all you need for Breakfast, Palmer broke in to song showing his big personality and love of the 80s pop group. Reciting every lyric, Palmer took the lead in singing ‘I work all day, I work all day to pay the bills I have to pay,’

But he didn’t stop there, going on to finish the chorus with gusto: ‘Money, money, money, must be funny in the rich man’s world’. Fitting for a man of his stature.

Not only in-studio to talk about his election campaign, Palmer was greeted with another of his loves, Dorothy the Dinosaur. In fact, the political candidate noted his favourite dinosaur, the “Ruddosauraus”. “Give Kevin Rudd the flick” he said.

Known for undertaking his latest venture in creating a dinosaur theme park, he claimed “we want to make Kevin Rudd and Tony Abbott prehistoric”.

Also in studio was Tasmanian candidate, and the longest-serving alderman in the Hobart City Council, Marti Zucco.

Never one to back down from the spotlight, Palmer spoke on a range of topics but in response to Abbott’s recent controversial comments about “sex appeal”, he said the nation’s sexiest politician was Zucco from the Palmer United Party.

Palmer is in the running to be elected in the 7 September election.