Paul Clitheroe: still talking money after 4,000 episodes

One of Australia’s most respected financial media commentators, Paul Clitheroe, reached a milestone this week when he recorded the 4,000th vignette of “Talking Money” – a daily 45-second feature that has been running since early 1996.

Clitheroe, who is Chairman of the Australian Government’s Financial Literacy  Board, and is perhaps best known as host of the top rating TV program, “The Money Show”, during the 1990s was stunned at the news, “When the team at Media Heads informed me that our 4,000th episode of ‘Talking Money’ was being broadcast this coming week, I was really pleased and yet surprised.

“When I started working with Radiowise (now Media Heads) back in 1995, I thought that the daily series might be around for a while…a few years at best. It’s almost 16 years later, and not many radio vignettes series can say they are still going strong.

“It just goes to show how important radio is for delivering timely consumer tips – in this case, money and personal finance tips. I look forward to 4,000 more – well maybe not that many, but I do plan on staying around and giving people sound financial advice for as long as possible. Financial literacy for all Australians is one of my greatest challenges and passions,” says Paul Clitheroe

You can contact Media Heads on (02) 9955 4577 for more information on this daily series.