Pink ‘visits’ regional WA

Hot FM were giving away tickets to Pink’s sold out concert in Perth. But Tom & Rosie were disappointed that the American singer wasn’t going to get to see all of her loyal fans in regional WA. So they thought they could do something about it.

Using a cardboard cutout they decided to set her free from the office to travel around regional WA – and it’s all up to her fans.

So far she’s been from Bunbury down to Busselton, to Dunsborough, Cowaramup, Margaret River and today she’s off to Manjimup. They hope to get Pink to Kalgoorlie to meet every listener on the way.

She’s already had a great time with her fans, mowing lawns, seeing the sights, delivering flowers, popping into a senior citizens centre and even riding horseback! And Hot FM’s loyal fans are only too happy to chaperone Pink around WA.

An excellent lesson in staying local in a region four times the size of Texas (and cost effective too).