Planning for the new breakfast show

A bemused Dave Cameron tries to get Fifi and Dave to prepare for their first breakfast show on Fox FM in an online promo for the new show.

Spontaneity is the theme of the promo, telling listeners to prepare for the unprepared.

See Fifi and Dave’s Planning Session below.

Meanwhile, an eagle-eyed radioinfo reader has spotted the fact that the old Matt & Jo Facebook page, with its 12,000 likes, has mutated into a page for Fifi and Dave, carrying all its old likes with it. Reid Mahoney emailed us with this information:

I noticed that “The Matt & Jo Show” Facebook page has been renamed “Fifi & Dave”. It seems that rather than create a new Facebook page they have renamed Matt & Jo’s Facebook page. It seems that it has caught a few people (including myself) off-guard. Some people have written comments such as “I don’t remember liking this page”, “I will be unliking this page” and more.
This also got me thinking about Kyle & Jackie O’s Facebook page. From memory 2Day FM suspended their Facebook page – which had hundred’s of thousands of followers – but the Twitter account for Kyle & Jackie O wasn’t, they still post updates via Twitter.

In other moves to prepare for the new programming year, one of our twitter followers reports:

Noticed ARN Melb morphing new taglines: Widest Variety from 2K to Today (Mix), More Music More Variety (Gold104)

Austereo and DMG will bring back their breakfast teams next week, while ARN will launch the new Kyle and Jackie show on KIIS Sydney on January 20th.

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