Police called to shut down Struggle Street

Like many community stations, Wollongong’s Vox FM may be short of cash but not lacking in ideas and passion. Both are in abundant supply during Paul Matters’ weekly show Struggle Street where for the past twelve years he has focused on the unemployed and the hardships they face to make ends meet.

But lately the show has drifted off topic and has latched on to corruption allegations surrounding the ALP, and in particular, MP Noreen Hay, criticising her involvement with developers alleging that it is inappropriate.

The plot, as they say, thickens considerably when you read this story in the SMH

Suffice to say that Ms Hay was not happy with what was being said about her on air and brought pressure to bear on the board of Vox FM to have the broadcasts cease and desist. Police were called to shut Mr Matters out of the studio.

Whilst the board insists that the reason they were forced to shut Matters out was because of his “aggressive behaviour” others say that it was to censor him.