Police dispute Media’s Radio Rights

The Queensland Police Union has questioned the media’s right to listen to police radio communications, saying the information broadcast by officers can be highly sensitive.

The ongoing dispute has ramifications for radio and tv newsrooms across Australia, along with newspapers.

The union has given evidence to a Crime and Misconduct Commission (CMC) inquiry into who should be allowed to access the new police digital radio system.

Union President, Gary Wilkinson, says he disagrees with media organisations, whichhave told the inquiry they have a right to information, broadcast on the new system.

He says when the media used the old police radio monitoring system, they sometimes arrived at crime scenes before officers and contaminated evidence.

Wilkinson says the media will complain about anything when it cannot get its own way.

“Can the media be the best judge of what is in the public interest?” he asked.

The CMC hearing was due to finish hearing evidence yesterday.