A proposal that could be out of this world

Hit105’s Stav, Abby & Matt’s Out of this World Proposal heads to Goondiwindi this week in two Apollo Motorhomes, taking with them with three couples who are ready to take the next step in their relationships and put a ring on it.
The catch is that a $20,000 engagement ring will be rocketed into space this Friday and the area where the rocket could possibly land will be divided into three sections, one for Stav, one for Abby and one for Matt, who will each represent one of the three couples, Ashlee and Alysia from Wooloowin, Christian and Ella from Banyo and Dallas and Amy from Bellbird Park.
While they are in Goondiwindi, Stav, Abby & Matt will also visit drought affected farmers with Mayor Graham Schue to give them a tour of the town so they can experience the life of the locals in what is now part of the area experiencing the worst drought on record.




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