Radio Sport 927 equals its best result outside the Spring Racing Carnival

The latest Newspoll survey has shown Sport 927’s total weekly audience was 390 000 people aged 18+, a reach of 10.1% into the Victorian population.

Along with May 2001, this is the best result (apart from the Spring Racing Carnival) since the station commissioned Newspoll to measure its audience in 1998.

Sport 927 pulled out of the Nielsen Media Research ratings some time ago and has been using the Newspoll figures to track its specialist state wide racing audience since then.

There was significant growth in Sport 927’s regional audience, reaching 113,000 weekly listeners, the best result since September 1999.

According to the Newspoll results, Sport 927’s major racing and general sports programs all performed well, including:

· Saturday afternoon National Racing Service – 197,000 listeners

· Weekday afternoon racing – also 197,000 weekly listeners

· Saturday morning racing preview program Prime Time Racing – 168,000 listeners

· Prime Time Sports hosted by Michael Christian and Anthony Mithen – 150,000 listeners (the best result since September 2002)

· Bruce Clark’s Racing Central-138,000 weekly listeners (also the best result outside Carnival time)