Radiodays Asia 2023 begins in Kuala Lumpur

Radiodays Asia 2023 opened today with a key note address from the Malaysian Deputy Minister of Communications and Digital, YB Teo Ching.

She said:

“In Malaysia we know listeners are engaged and loyal to their favourite radio station and as you all know, this is echoed around the world: Information and news (both National and Regional) can be broadcast in real time, as the story unfolds and as is so important nowadays, we are considered a trustworthy source to keep our audiences informed and to counter mis-information.

In times of huge global news, natural disasters, as well as national or local community stories, radio can accurately reflect what is happening. Just as importantly, audio can celebrate culture, entertainment and music and give the sense of belonging to the listener.

Even though it has been around for years, radio is not an old medium, it has stayed current, on all types of digital platforms and is direct, immediate and a platform for music and conversations.  With the rise in podcasting we see a younger audience being attracted to audio with many becoming podcasters themselves.  Podcasting has been fast growing and poses new opportunities – themes of both Radiodays Asia and Podcast Day Asia.

All media is challenged by new consumer behaviour with the development of digital platforms and growing competition for audience attention.  This is why Radiodays Asia is so important, to share experiences and make radio meet those challenges, stay relevant for listeners and develop digital innovations and competition.

Seeing professionals from the Asia-Pacific, and from across the world, gather here in Malaysia to discuss current radio and podcasting developments as well as its future, is a great thing.  To see a vibrant media industry looking ahead to meet audience expectations and develop its business models for the changing audio landscape in the coming years is important not just for the audio industry itself, but also for our millions of loyal listeners – now and in the future.

Radiodays Asia 2023, is attended by over 300 participants from 30 countries from the Asia-Pacific and rest of the world. They gather over two days to discuss audio and radio topics affecting their industries whilst sharing ideas and innovations from their own stations, businesses and podcasts.

A new event for the region, Podcast Day Asia, is on Wednesday September 6. Podcast Day Asia is a day dedicated to podcasting with presentations from many experts in the Podcast space from Asia-Pacific and Australia.

For more detailed coverage of Radiodays Asia, see

Radiodays Asia is part of Radiodays Europe which runs the largest radio, audio and podcast conference of its kind in Europe.

Next year’s Radiodays Europe is being held from the 17th to 19th of March 2024 in Munich, Germany.

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