RN to examine relationships for better or worse

A new series exploring relationships will be presented on RN by author, feminist and social commentator Jane Caro.

For Better, For Worse will be part of RN’s Life Matters program for six weks and will exploring the enduring nature of relationships.

Jane meets six different couples in long-lasting relationships, and tests Tolstoy’s notion that “happy families are all alike; every unhappy family is unhappy in its own way.”

After 38 years with the same man herself, Jane was curious. Are all long-term relationships more or less the same? Or are they just as varied as any other?

While most social commentary looks at why relationships fail, this series explores why so many still succeed, from Anne and Dan about to celebrate their 70th wedding anniversary, to the cross cultural marriage of Iranian refugee Bonnie and Mark, from Sydney’s northern beaches who’ve been married for 18 years and Gary and Michael, partners for 33 years.

For Better, For Worse will be broadcast for six weeks on RN during the 9am – 10am timeslot on Thursdays from 18 July until 22 August 2013.