RN’s Sandy McCutcheon finds his family after a radio interview

Radio National presenter Sandy McCutcheon has written a book about his search for his natural family, after discovering he was adopted.

Author and broadcaster McCutcheon only found out he was adopted in his adult years, and was recently reunited with his brother and sister. The reunion was seen some time ago on Australian Story and has also become the subject of a book.

McCutcheon has told The Sydney Morning Herald’s Sue Javes that he was 48 years old when he was finally shown his adoption papers, which began a search for his natural parents. While in New Zealand promoting a book McCutcheon was contacted by his cousin, who heard him on a radio interview. The contact lead him to find his brother and sister.

Since then McCutcheon has also learnt that he has a daughter in the UK from a relationship many years ago, who was also adopted out after her birth.