Sarah Gandy returns to radio to join Paul “Flynny” Flynn on More FM

When Jay-Jay Feeney announced she was going to take a break from radio and MORE FM in early July, after a 33 year career, NZ’s MediaWorks knew they had some mighty big boots to fill.

At the end of 2019, Sarah Gandy was at a low ebb, suffering a panic attack so severe she took leave from her breakfast role on The Hits. Her contract was subsequently cancelled, and then in January 2020 she discover a lump in her breast, two malignant tumours as it turned out, and spent the months leading into lockdown getting chemo, radiotherapy and a mastectomy.

Feeney’s co-host on More FM, Paul ‘Flynny’ Flynn, immediately thought of Gandy when Feeney made her decision to leave. He and Gandy have a friendship going back two decades where they met at Auckland station ZM. Sarah was an intern, Flynny was working in promotions driving the station’s Black Thunder. Their first encounter Flynny was wearing a big costume. The first thing he ever said to her was, “oink”. He would later officiate her wedding, but not dressed as a pig.

Management agreed that Sarah was a good fit for Drive and for MORE FM with Flynny telling Now To Love:

“Sarah was the obvious choice for me because we’ve been friends for so long. We have such great chemistry and a huge amount of laughs. We’re both very silly together.”

This was ably demonstrated by their new station images. The main picture was one that Management decided wasn’t going to make the cut. Can’t think why!

Sarah and Flynny can be heard on MORE FM weekdays from 3-7pm.

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