SCA Audio Academy – an online bootcamp for creators

Southern Cross Austereo has announced the SCA Audio Academy, a new online bootcamp to learn from Australia’s biggest creators of audio content.

The eight-week course starting later this year and open to anyone, provides skills and experience in announcing, production and building show content for both digital audio and radio formats.

It will be led by SCA Head of Regional Content, Blair Woodcock (pictured) and other SCA staff.

Woodcock said:

“The SCA Audio Academy is a chance for people of all experience levels to open the door of one of Australia’s largest media companies and get some face time with content creators from across the business.”

“There is a huge amount of talented people out there who are looking to get a foot in the door.  Our past face to face bootcamps have found Breakfast shows, Drive shows and Workday announcers, plus journalists, brand experience directors and more. If you’ve got an interest in radio or on demand audio – this is a great way to upskill.” 

Applications are open for the first 20 students of the SCA Audio Academy.

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