Sh*t nobody says in regional radio at Christmas time

As a tribute to the “hardest working people in the world“…regional radio employees at Christmas time, Matt Ambrose from Magic FM in South Australia has paid homage.  

“Regional radio people busting to get a few days off at Christmas are some of the hardest working people in the world. This video (yeah ANOTHER Sh*t nobody says vid, soz) is a salute to the brave individuals busting out 300 hours of radio or 620 scripts before they can see the fam.
“This is in no way a slight on my current place of work, we are quite organised. Plus I need my job next year as I’ve massively over spent on Warnie emojis.
“The video is more a general vibe on this time of year at regional radio stations.   
“Merry Christmas comrades and I hope the video is a worthy tribute” 


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