Support the boss in supporting charity

The eldest of the Cameron siblings and namesake of the prodigious radio broadcaster, Grant, is a qualified medical practitioner. While many of his contemporaries who find alternative careers often go into viticulture, Grant has immersed himself in the family business of broadcasting. Having said that, the Camerons have recently diversified into hotels and a brewery. Both of which are heavily advertised on the Grant Broadcasting Network.

All that may have little or something to do with the fact that at the end of March, Grant Cameron (terrifically fit for his age) will be cycling more than 300km over three days across three of the highest peaks in Victoria to raise much needed funds for children with autism.

The ‘Three Peaks’ Ride is a fundraising effort and all of the proceeds raised will go directly to ‘Giant Steps’ – a school and program for children with autism.

Grant told radioinfo, “The ride takes place in the Victorian mountains out of Bright and I will be riding with 30 other dedicated cyclists as we climb Falls Creek, Mount Hotham and Mount Buffalo on the days of the 28th, 29th and 30th March.”

If you work, or want to work at Grant Broadcasters, a generous donation could be seen as a positive career move. If not, your money will go to a great cause anyway.

Contact Grant at [email protected] to make a direct donation or go to the Giant Steps website by clicking the link below.

All donations over $2 are tax deductible.