Survey 1 2013: Analysis: Triple M’s back

Networks and city by city analysis. In this year’s first survey results, WSFM’s Jonesy & Amanda are the biggest risers in breakfast nationally. Triple J also had a power survey in Sydney while 2GB dropped significantly.

In Melbourne 3AW fell, while most other stations were steady. B105 and Nova dropped in Brisbane, while 4KQ had a significant rise. Mix and triple j rose strongly in Adelaide.

See our other story for detailed figures from each city.




Finally a decent survey for ARN with few low points and many highs. Best of all, a big spike for WSFM where Jonesy and Amanda have regained much of the losses made in the latter part of last year and putting them within striking distance of the No 1 FM spot. While MIX 106.5 was not so good, and Melbourne’s duopoly held firm (GOLD was up MIX was down a bit) but they increased their collective cumes.

In Brisbane, 97.3FM held its number one spot as did MIX in Adelaide, although that powered ahead, up 1.3 to 16.8 to put it more than 4.0 ahead of its nearest rival.

Meanwhile, Back in Brisbane, it would be remiss not to mention the venerable 4KQ an the AM band which is part of ARN’s Classic Hits network without mentioning that it spiked by 1.5 to reach a very respectable 8.1.


A great start to the year for SCA with excellent results for the Triple M brand across the eastern seaboard. Up 0.5 in Sydney, up 0.7 in Melbourne and up 1.1 in Brisbane. Head of Content, Craig Bruce attributed the rise to the music mix over summer but is expecting further consolidation when the blokey network goes into full on footy mode starting this week and through winter.

The icing on SCA’s cake though is that 2Day-FM also had a decent gain in Sydney on the back of 11 shares in both money shifts, Breakfast and Drive. In Melbourne FOX shed just 0.2. The only dark spots were in Brisbane where B105 slipped down the ladder with a 1.2 drop to be #4 overall, while in Adelaide, SAFM gained 0.9 while Triple M shed 0.8. In Perth 92.9 also dropped 0.8 while market leader, Mix 94.5 went up by the same amount.


While dmg has been the performance network over the past three surveys, particularly with the launch of the smoothfm brand, this time around the results aren’t quite as flash. Smooth has slipped back by exactly 0.2 in both Sydney and Melbourne. While nothing to lose sleep over, they were no doubt hoping for similar results but in the opposite direction.

The biggest disappointment would be Nova in Sydney which was enjoying steady gains and has now dropped back to almost a full share point to a 6.4. While both Breakfast and Drive held their own, big losses were made in in Mornings, Afternoons and Nights.

In Melbourne, the only market where there was an upswing for the Nova brand (except Perth), it was almost exactly the opposite. Nova went up 0.9 to very healthy 8.4. Again, Breakfast was but while all the other shifts, including Drive, went up. Meanwhile, Nova in Brisbane, which was knocking on the door to the top spot is now 2.3 behind, but still in #2. And in Adelaide, Nova 919 has shed a full percentage point to finish in fourth spot. 

In Perth Nova was the biggest riser, up 1.0 putting it in to the #3 slot.   

Fairfax, MRN and DMG – Talk

To be fair to 2UE in Sydney (which slipped back under a 5.0 share) none of the changes, positive or negative that the station has made could be read into this “rolling” survey. To be kinder still, you could say they only dropped 0.4 over the summer months, when most talk stations tend to go down. None more than market leader 2GB, which has its biggest guns on holidays through much of summer. It went down by 2.0 with Alan Jones Show down by 2.8, and Ray Hadley’s show by 3.7 – which is like Gina Rhinehart losing $10 million. In any case, they’ll likely bounce back next survey.

A similar story in Melbourne, 3AW fell back 1.3 and sports station SEN without footy, shed 0.4. As mentioned, 4BC and 6PR both bucked the trend and went up while FIVEaa, Adelaide went with the trend shedding 0.6.

ABC Local Radio and triple j

Traditionally, the ABC does well in summer with triple j leading the charge. Its heavily promoted on and off air events producing solid gains across the nation. Meanwhile, the ABC Local Radio brad has also done well. Up in Sydney, 702 is now just 1.1 behind 2GB and the only other station to be in double digits in that market – #2 ahead 2Day.

 Similar deal in Melbourne where 774 is just i.4 behind market leader 3AW. In Brisbane 612 eased by 0.2 and Adelaide’s 891 remained steady. 





Triple j had the biggest gain, up 1.9 share points overall to 7.1%, reflecting the Hot100 effect in January. WSFM also rose strongly, up 1.4 share points to 8.5%. 2GB was down most, with a 2 share point drop to 12.0%.

In twitter comments on the figures, one radioinfo follower said: “Ray Hadley lost more listeners that Paul Murray has in total. Says something about where both are at.” (Randall Gillespie). ABC Managing Director Mark Scott tweeted: “Looking like a bumper survey for @triplej.”     Join the conversation @radioinfo.

2Day gained 0.9 to 9.3%, Nova lost 0.9 and dropped to 6.4%. ABC702 was up 0.5 to 10.9%, smooth dipped slightly, down 0.2 to 5.6%.

2GB retains first place in the market despite its drop, ahead of second places ABC702. 2Day strengthened its third place position and triple j moved into fourth place, and WSFM moved into fifth, pushing Nova into sixth position in the market.

Nova won the 10-17 demographics ahead of 2Day, triple j won the 18-24 age group ahead of Nova and 2Day. 25-39s was won by 2Day, WSFM won 40-54s, ABC702 won 55-64s and 2GB won the over 65 age group.

2GB slipped significantly in breakfast, but retained first place in that time slot ahead of ABC702 and 2Day.  2GB won mornings and afternoons, ABC702 won drive and tied with 2GB in evenings. ABC702 won weekends during the summer cricket period.



3AW still retains top spot, despite a drop of 1.3 share points to 13.7%. Second placed ABC774 closed in on 3AW with a 0.7 rise to 12.3%. Third placed Fox dipped fractionally, down 0.2 to 9.3%.

In a survey with not much other significant movement, Magic dropped by 0.8, Triple M was up 0.7, Nova gained 0.9 and Classic FM rose 0.6.

Fox won 10-24s ahead of Nova. The hotly contested 25-39 demographic was won by Nova, just ahead of Fox and triple j. ABC774 won 40-54s, and 3AW won the over 55s.

3AW won breakfast ahead of ABC774 and Fox. 3AW won the at work morning and afternoon shifts. Fox won drive, 774 won evenings and 3AW won weekends.




Nova and B105 dropped most this survey, both falling 1.2 share points. Nova dropped to 11.9%, and B105 fell below a ten share to 9.8%. The biggest winners of the survey were 4KQ, up 1.5 to 8.1%, and Triple M, which gained 1.1 to 9.7%.

The leader board now reads 7.3FM in first place, dipping slightly to 13.4%. Nova retains second place , just ahead of ABC612, followed by B105, Triple M, 4KQ and triple j.

B105 won the 10-17 demographic and Nova won 18-39s. 97.3 won 40-54s, 4KQ won 40-54s and ABC612 won the over 65s.

ABC612 won breakfast ahead of 97.3 and Nova. 97.3 won mornings and afternoons, Nova won drive, ABC612 won evenings and 97.3 won weekends.

On Twitter @radioinfo MoniqueD said: Congrats to my cohorts . 97.3 no.1 commercial brekky/overall in Briz. Killer surveys for ARN! 🙂



Market leader Mix102.3 had the biggest gain this survey, up 1.3 share points to 16.8%, streets ahead of the rest of the pack. Second placed 5AA dipped 0.6 to 12.6%, followed by ABC891, which gained 0.1 to 11.8%. Fourth placed Nova91.9 lost 0.9 to 9.1%, followed by SAFM on 8.7%, after a good increase of 0.8. Fifth placed Triple M lost 0.9 and sixth placed triple j gained 1.5 share points.

Nova won the 10-24 demographics, Mix won 25-64s and 5AA won 65+.

In a tightly fought breakfast contest, 5AA was just ahead of 5AA and ABC891. Mix won mornings and afternoons, 5AA won drive, ABC891 won evenings, and Mix won weekends.



Nova 93.7 gained 1.0 share points to 11.1%, recording the biggest rise in that market. 6IX had the biggest fall, down 1.0 to 4.6%.

First placed Mix 94.5 gained 0.1 to 14.3%, second placed 96fm was up 0.8 to 12.5%. Nova 937 scored third place, followed by 92.9, up 0.8 to 10.8% and triple j, up 0.1 to 10.2%.

92.9 won 10-39s, Mix won 40-64s and 6PR won 65+.

Mix won breakfast ahead of ABC720, and Mix also won the other day time shifts. 96fm won evenings and Mix won weekends.