TikTok terror…and the decline of credible information

Guest Opinion Post from Lee Abrams –

I have been discussing the American information crisis for quite some time now, and it seems that we are reaching a crucial point especially in front of elections . The perceived  credibility of mainstream news is at an all-time low, especially among younger audiences who are turning away from traditional media. This has resulted in a national opinion that is often based on sources rife with misinformation and nonsense.

To reverse this trend before it spirals into chaotic misinformation, we need to implement radical redesigns that have a positive social impact on our nation’s character and hope. It’s important to help stabilize the national IQ in the face of TikTok and similar uncontrolled dumb-inducing platforms.  It wouldn’t surprise me if TikTok was Chinese social warfare tool against  North America.  I find most conspiracies complete nonsense though this might be a fact in this era of the electronic battlefield that often focuses on minds rather than bodies.   

I understand that these are strong words, but it truly is a crisis. Fortunately, there are solutions, but they require remarkable courage from organizations to create powerful new ways of presenting information to a suspicious society. Simply attempting to be unbiased won’t work unless we present information in a dramatic new way that captures the interest and demands a radical rethink of the outdated medium. We need  transformation.

Here are some key components that can contribute to this transformation:

  1. A different format for presenting information: We live in a social media-dominated environment where many people are more accustomed to the look and feel of platforms like TikTok than traditional news outlets. Instead of clinging to outdated styles, we should generate new formats that align with the demands of this century. There are numerous visual instruments available that can tell stories far beyond what anchors or on-the-street reporters can do. We need to create a video orchestra rooted in vision rather than relying on set furniture and moving anchors around. 

  1. Aggressive presentation of both sides: It’s essential to showcase contrasting perspectives in an aggressive manner. For example, we can have someone like a Ted Nugent alongside a strong voiced liberal to debate gun control. The idea is to present all positions and use strong voices, avoiding cluttered screens and people talking over each other.

  1. Commentators and the public complimenting the anchors and reporters: Rather than relying solely on anchors and reporters, we should involve high-personality, short-form commentators from different positions to tell the story with greater impact and credibility. Additionally, we need to explore new ways of incorporating public opinion beyond the traditional man-on-the-street interviews. It’s time to rethink who presents opinions and how they are presented.

  1. Geographic news mapping: Opinions often vary by region, so it’s important to illustrate where these regions are and provide geographic context to arguments. This can help put the divide into perspective.

  1. Headlines from around the world: We live in a global society, and it’s crucial to show what the world is thinking. This includes both the good and the bad, as well as the ugly. We need to broaden our perspective beyond national boundaries.

  1. Celebrity accountability: The power of celebrities should not go unchecked. It’s important to hold them accountable for their actions and mischief, just as we do with politicians. Their influence needs to be neutralized 

  1. Debunking conspiracy theories: Many conspiracy theories are not based on factual information but rather mass insanity driven by social media. We need to address this issue with a high level of true critical thinking and intelligence.

  1. Empathy instead of disdain for opposite opinions: Instead of approaching opposing opinions with disdain, we should prioritize empathy. By presenting facts without prejudice and supporting them with powerful graphics, we can strive for a more balanced and unbiased approach.

  1. Embracing multiculturalism: While progress has been made, the news still lacks diversity, failing to represent the true rainbow of colors that is America. Instead of presenting only a single view , we should aim to showcase diverse characters and hit topics with a range of looks and voices and modern production

  1. Actions over slogans: It’s almost comical to see news operations trying to sloganize themselves as unbiased or fair. But mere slogans and the tired news presentation style won’t make a difference in a society where people are skeptical. Instead, we need to focus on actions that prove our commitment to truth and integrity. Actions speak louder than words.

There is hope, but we must act now. Unfortunately, many leaders within the information circles appear to lack the boldness, fearlessness, and vision required to drive this change. However, this will change, and the informational future optimistic…hopefully

Pulling away from a 1980’s playbook can be internally challenging but the rewards will create powerful information brands that meet the realities of 2023 and beyond.

About the Author

Decades in the trenches reinventing radio, tv news and print. Passionate about the past but focused on the future. Consultant to over 1,000 radio stations, 12 major print publications, over 20 TV stations and cable networks, several consumer products and the designer of XM Radio programming.

Lee Abrams explores current thinking and visions for brilliant media in the 21st century.

