TIME: Why can’t we ever get enough of it?

If you chose radio as a career you didn’t do it for its regular hours. Most people in radio whether they’re on-air, in programming, creative, production, sales or even engineering, work much longer hours than people in most other industries. 

And although we may not be officially “on call” we can be, and often are, reached anywhere at any time of day or night through mobile technology.

Yet, most of us complain that there are not enough hours in the day to accomplish everything we want to get done.

Funny thing is, we all start with exactly the same number of hours each day as do our colleagues and competitors.

Says U.S. based consultant Tim Moore (left) “There is only one common factor with which we are all exactly equal as we start a day, a week, or a year…time.”

In a piece published by the All Access Group, Moore expounds on his theory as to why so many of us can’t seem master controlling our time.

He says, “I believe many of us fail to value and effectuate strong time control because we subconsciously believe it takes away our personal freedom; that somehow if we practice disciplined time management we become a slave to our tasks and objectives.

“I’ve suggested to people stuck in this abyss that in truth, it’s just the opposite. Only when we practice high levels of time management are we really free, because we know that when we’ve scheduled priorities and kept our commitments (no matter how trivial some may seem), we’ve truly slipped the surly bonds of playing catch-up, and the sense of guilt that comes when you know you’ve missed a target or let someone down,” says Tim Moore.

In his article he goes on to provide a step by strategy to harness that slipperiest of suckers: time.

Read the full article here

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