Townsville couple Vanessa & Dave were married in an aeroplane by Hit Queensland’s Cliffo

Hit Queensland’s Cliffo & Bronte’s searched all of Queensland to find a couple ready to

  1. Get married and
  2. Get married in a plane and then jump out of it

Their search was called Leap of Faith, and they found their willing couple in Townsville’s Vanessa & Dave.

The couple have been together 15 years, they have two girls aged 13 and 7 and were engaged four years ago in Canada at Lake Louise where Dave says he “tripped and thought while I’m down here I might as well.”

They had a wedding planned in 2020 but one week out from the bucks party, COVID hit and everything shut down.

Vanessa & Dave lost over $4000 in deposits.

When they told their daughters they were finally getting married, albeit, in a plane and then skydiving to earth, their youngest, aged 7, heartbreakingly asked, “Does this mean you will finally be my real Mum & Dad.”

Today, they took the leap, and also jumped and North Queensland turned on a banging Autumn Day.