Up 5.8% on last year, with 2,836,133 votes, the 2017 Hottest 100 is the biggest on record.
Votes are still being counted as the countdown approaches, and triple j offers some insight into voter demographics.
- More women than men voted this year, 51% female compared to 48% male (rounded out by 1% for ‘Other’ and ‘No answer’)
- New South Wales took the lion’s share of votes (29%), followed by Victoria (23%), QLD (20%), WA (11%), SA (8%), ACT and TAS (3%), Overseas voters (2%), and NT (1%).
- The most common age of voters was 21 years old. About half of voters were aged 18-24 and around 80% of voters were under 30.
Tune in on 27 January to hear the countdown:
12pm – NSW, ACT, VIC + TAS
11:30am – SA
11am – QLD
10.30am – NT
9:00am – WA