Over-achievers Tom and Alex present Trophies Out Tuesday on Tuesday.
For the third year running, it’s the greatest trophy/medal/certificate display-based Tuesday on the calendar. And on Tuesday, all human beings are encouraged to get out their trophies, medals, medallions, certificates of participation, badges, ribbons and miscellaneous tokens and display them proudly at their school, university or work.
It doesn’t matter if you’ve won Olympic gold or a participation ribbon from Year 3 Little Athletics, the main thing is you received a material possession to acknowledge a thing that you did whilst being alive.
And that’s worth celebrating at triple j.
During the breakfast show, Tom and Alex will be joined by Olympic heroes like long jumper Mitch Watt, gymnast Joshua Jefferis, swimmers Megan Nay and Ryan Napolean, 19-year-old 400m runner Steve Solomon, the Australian Women’s Match Racing Sailing Team and many more besides (all of them bursting with trophy pride).
Everyone and anyone can get involved. Listeners can head to the Tom and Alex blogto download the official Josh Award (named after Josh from Brisbane who has never won anything) and exhibit it proudly for the world to see.