Triple M Brisbane trades on Tradies

Rugged looks, physically fit, stress-free and available on weekends – tradesmen are in high demand, and not just in the building industry. Blue collars are back in a big way – just ask the ladies who plan on finding true love at Triple M’s Tradie for a Lady event.

Now in its third year, Tradie for a Lady will be held on May 4 (Labour Day public holiday in Qld), with Mental As Anything performing live.
Now in its third year the event has drawn big sponsorship money including a prize of a brand new Nissan Navarra STX King Cab worth $44k.

Tradies and Ladies wishing to attend Tradie for a Lady will need to upload their personal details and a photo to

In the very first year, Sarah Reeves nabbed and married her very own rough-handed hombre after meeting him at Tradie for a Lady 2007. “All women deep down like a man who can protect them. It’s a bit of a caveman thing. When I met Dave at Tradie for a Lady 2007, he was my tradie-in-shining-armour! It was as if the crowd split and there was Dave heading my way to pull me from the claws of another who wouldn’t take no for an answer,” said Sarah.

Sarah married welding supervisor Dave Reeves (boilermaker by trade) on September 7, 2007 and since has welcomed a little boy, Parker Thomas Reeves, who was born one day before Valentine’s Day. Sarah already had 4 kids from a previous marriage (Isabella 12, Bailey 10, Brooklyn 9 and Jet 4) and had sworn off men. They now live happily ever after in Morayfield.

How it all began… In 2007 The Cage received an email from a young Lady asking for help – “Where do I meet a Tradie?” Apparently Tradies were the new “doctors” and a highly sought after partner! The Cage put the call out for any interested Tradies – and received a huge response. The Cage proved to be highly successful in match-making with a wedding and a baby eventuating out of last year’s event.