Twitter ubiquitious and authentic: Dom Sagolla at radio conference

Like radio, ubiquity, authenticity and transparency are the key elements of Twitter according to Twitter’s co-founder Dom Sagolla speaking at today’s radio conference. As he spoke, we tweeted it live. Here are some of the 140 character comments radioinfo posted to summarise his speech.


–       Dom says humans can retain short quotes which was the basis of Twitter. Also says if you want to keep meetings short then make people stand up.

–       Imagine if your boss said you could only write 3 sentence emails. You would get to the point quickly says Sagolla. This is twitter principle

–       Radioinfo says radio announcers always get to the point quickly. It is one of the core skills of our medium. So radio and twitter fit well

–       Singapore is top tweeting country per capita. Netherlands second Australia third according to new info released by Sagolla at conference. Iran and Ethiopia have negative tweet growth since conflict and crackdowns. ‘We can do good with Twitter,’ says Sagolla.

–       With Twitter you can find out about something when standing in line for coffee and respond immediately says Sagolla. radioinfo says you can do the same with first interactive medium… Radio

–       The current Tweeting rate is 600 tweets per minute. Imagine if you could convert this to time spent listening for your radio station.

–       There’s only so much bullshit you can put in 140 characters says Sagolla (He was actually more polite than that, he said B S). Great for getting to the heart of what you have to say.

–       It has been 4 and half years since first tweet. The company has struggled against pressure to monetize too early so as not to corrupt the authentic voices of its users.

–       When Britney Speers started to tweet you know it wasn’t her… The content was too good says Sagolla. Laughter! 

–       Sagolla says radio presenters should mention their twitter accounts on air as often as they give the call in phone number.


  In a following session, Zenith’s Belinda Rowe told the audience that radio ad share has been declining world wide since 2006, except in Australia.

In the same session, Peter Harvie said the industry must unite to get radio’s ad share up beyond 8%. “We must make better use of our precious air time asset.” He also told the audience he used to oppose online being linked with radio, “but now I understand that it works well with radio… 30% of Austereo’s campaigns are now cross platform.”

Belinda Rowe also made the point that “building communities and being mobile are sexy new things now, but radio has had these benefits for a long time and should continue to tell advertisers about it.”



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