RSN927 has honoured the radio career of racing host John Browne, who has retired after fifty years behind the microphone.
“For the last 28 years John has been the consummate RSN studio host, co-ordinating the live presentation of up to a dozen race meetings at a time, while making it all sound as smooth as silk.”
John started at RSN when it was still known as 3UZ, crossing over from 3DB, shortly after that station closed its racing service.
Before that, John had been a radio announcer across Victoria and Tasmania, starting his career at 7BU in Burnie in 1964.
“The reassuring tones of “the old J.B.” will be missed by punters who loved John’s clear and concise style.”
John says he’ll still be a presence in racing, though now as a racegoer, especially at greyhound and harness meetings.