What listeners want from their presenters in 2025: Brevity and Authenticity

By international talent coach Valerie Geller

Crystal balls are tricky when it comes to predicting industry trends and concerns. But other than the obvious (AI, digital, multi-platform, etc.), there are a couple of programming and content issues that keep emerging:

  1. Brevity
  2. Authenticity


Your audience has the attention span of a flea.

Ernest Hemingway knew the power of short, simple storytelling. He is said to have written an entire story that even sold something in six words:

“For Sale. Baby Shoes. Never Worn.”

All areas of media and content creation are undergoing metamorphosis. Audiences tell us they want authenticity, energy, and powerful storytelling that resonates in seconds, not minutes. And it’s not just radio; it’s how audiences and customers consume and interact with everything.


  • Never be boring!
  • Compelling content always works, but now it must get there fast.
  • Let your audience know, immediately, why they need to listen/watch/read/or pay attention!


Some broadcast managers become nervous even discussing an issue that’s been showing up in media research. Have being so careful and correct, and the fear of stepping on toes, gone too far?

Meanwhile, listeners complain that radio is too “watered down, predictable, and boring. They want to connect with real people on air.”


If we are so worried about offending, are we muzzling talent? If your personalities are afraid of putting a foot wrong, it can impact their authenticity, originality, and creativity (along with your station’s ratings, revenue, and audience growth). Take a lesson from podcasting. Podcasters are unafraid and can say what they want.

Managers & The Rules of the Road

Radio needs to take a deep, hard look at where the “lines” are in 2025. Determine what support talent will get and what will happen if a try is made. Be precise about consequences and expectations.

Clarify the rules. If we ask radio talent to be authentic and unique, yet they’re so scared of making a mistake that they play it safe, they may get stuck in “analysis paralysis,” killing their magic, spontaneity, and creativity.

