As you may have read previously, when we re-launched the radioinfo website a couple of months ago, on August 13, we temporarily made the site completely free. And as we foreshadowed last week, we were going to start to revert to being a subscription site this week by making some parts of the site available to paid subscribers only. That process has now begun. Below is a simple guide to what’s locked and what’s not.
Thank you to all our Loyal Subscribers
We would like you to know that we are humbled by, and grateful for, the fact that our paid subscribers have continued to renew in record numbers, thus underpinning radioinfo’s sustainability well into the future. We owe it to you to ensure that you are rewarded for your loyalty and receive value for your money.
More free content than ever before
At the same time, for casual users of radioinfo, there’ll be more free content open to you than ever before.
And there’ll be ways for you to win a free subscription.
The simplest way to know whether something is locked or not is to look out for this little lock symbol.
Wherever it appears, it means that that story or feature is locked.
What’s locked and what’s not….
News: Items that are predominantly from a station media release – Open
Hot Off the Net – links to news we aggregate from other sources – Open.
Original content – articles that are wholly or substantially written by us, not just rehashed from elsewhere – Locked
Jobs – Open
Comings and Goings – Open.
BrainsTrust – Partially Open. You can read but you can’t participate unless you’re a paid subscriber.
What You Think (comments) – Open, but only paid subscribers can link to the paid content from which a comment came.
Faces for Radio – Open
AirPlay Charts – Open
Weird Wonderful World – Open
Events Calendar – Locked
On This Day – Locked
Valerie Geller, Abe Udy – Locked
Other content not listed above or that may appear from time to time – at our discretion – look for the lock.
*Note: if you have any issues please contact us at [email protected]